
@engr0306 • 0 Followers

About engr0306

Micro-Soft. You know the name. You have trusted the company with your important computing for years, and they regularly disappoint. So you know to expect the best in pink promotion and realistic investor opportunities. Like they say, "burn money with Hotmail!"

The procedure is fairly simple. You need money, and Microsoft qualified investors have fictional funds which need a good home. So you send application fees, transfer fees, and such other fees as can be imagined, and in return you will find out why your investment funds have not arrived.

Remember, all investments are fully backed by the MicroSoft assurance:

  • If you receive any money,
  • you may mail it to Redmond,
  • and it will be accepted.
So there really is no reason to wait any longer. Get in touch with a Microsoft-approved banker or invester and your money can be on its way abroad:
  1. engr.ramy.elkhaliq3@hotmail.com
  2. leungyanhkyhk@hotmail.com
  3. bellas781@hotmail.com

find out why it is called micro-soft


Redmond, WA
